Pseudo Dawn


This is my 20th DTM work. As the song track, it is 10th. It is called as " Pseudo Dawn “. It is just a 3 chords blues number. Please take a listen to it.

Pseudo Dawn by Naoto Sawamura

(2023-10-16 the remixed version has been uploaded.)

(In English is the upper, in Japanese is the lower.)

Since I have started to record my own composed songs as DTM works, the number was reached at 10 by this song. 10 tracks are sufficient numbers to consist one album. So, I would like to write a song to be some milestone for me as 10th song track. I thought that it would be better if the blues number could be written.

I had been working this blues number in parallel with my 9th song track called as " 'Cause You’re So Young As A Daughter “. But after completed 'Cause You’re So Young As A Daughter, I turned down this blues number idea because I felt that something was not quite right. Also I had tried to write this as 2 chords blues originally. But the tempo and the development were resemble my other blues number “Frantic Effort" ( Of course, the blues is something like that essentially ). It is a 2 chords blues number, too. My “Frantic Effort" can be listened by below link.

But I wanted to manage to write a blues number newly as 10th song track. So, I tried to compose it as a normal 3 chords blues. And I changed the beat from ordinary 8 beats to the shuffle beat. Finally done.

While I was re-composing this blues number, I was considering if I could try my Kramer that I had modded recently. I thought the single coil sound might fit this song. As I had no experience of DIY mod of the electric guitar such as pick-up replacement, I wonder that my Kramer sounds by my wiring. Regarding DIY mod of my Kramer, please refer to the link below.

It was September 2022 that I had started to record my own written songs. Now is January 2023. I feel this 4 months might be several years. For me the process of this 10 songs work has been the time as if a little bit long journey.

The lyric is below.

Pseudo Dawn

It will be the exit that I have not found
It will shine through the light on the ground
Your soul was sold to Demons who will be able to turn them all around
What you saw is just the pseudo down
Still darkness clinging to your eyes

You felt you had reached at the edge of the wedge
You believed that you had the result from the accurate gauge
Your soul was sold to Demons who will bluff you before they takes one breath
What you saw is just the pseudo dawn
Misled to the maze is easy as a pie

Been deceived yourself as you yearn death
But now you struggle to runaway from the dead-end
Your soul was redeemed by whistling back the wisdom caused and kept your descent
Nevermore you see the pseudo dawn 
Coal drift and restless mind are your friends

The credit is below.

Pseudo Dawn

Song and Words Written by Naoto Sawamura
Arranged by Naoto Sawamura

Recorded by GarageBand
Engineering / Mixing / Mastering : Naoto Sawamura
Drums / Bass Programing : Naoto Sawamura

Guitars : Naoto Sawamura
Vocals : Naoto Sawamura

Naoto Sawamura used :
Guitar / Kramer Japan Baretta JK-1000 ( DIY mod )
Amplifier / EVH 5150 ICONIC SERIES 6L6 40W 12×1


 私はこのブルース・ナンバーと、歌曲として9曲目となる「’Cause You’re So Young As A Daughter」と、両方に同時進行で取り組んでいました。’Cause You’re So Young As A Daughterが完成した後、私にはこのブルース・ナンバーが、どうもしっくりこないので、アイディアそのものをボツにしてしまいました。というのも、私はこの10曲目となるブルース・ナンバーを、そもそもは2コードで書こうと思っていたのですが、私の別のブルース・ナンバー、「Frantic Effort」とテンポも展開もそっくりになってしまいました(もちろん、ブルースというのは本質的にそういうものですけれど)。Frantic Effortも、2コードのブルース・ナンバーですし。



