The Yellow Orbit (Remix)


The Yellow Orbit (remix) written and performed by Naoto Sawamura

One year ago today I released my 1st DTM work to the Internet. One year ago this month I took my guitar back and started to compose and play music again for the first time in over 10 years.

As I had have any knowledge of DTM I had to fumble my way to record my new composed track. Also there was one Pignose that was ready to be played properly. I had tried to record my guitar through using Orange CRUSH MINI. I prepared SHURE condenser mic and Focusrite Scarlett audio interface to record my guitar to GrageBand software. As listened to the recorded sound, I found that the vacuum tube amp must be needed. So I ordered EVH 5150 ICONIC series 60W. It can cut the power off to 15W.

After that recording, I have gained knowledge and tips for DTM recording/mixing gradually. So I remixed my 1st DTM work as 1st anniversary of my DTM.

The Yellow Orbit
Written / Arranged by Naoto Sawamura

Recorded by GarageBand
Engineering / Mixing / Mastering : Naoto Sawamura
Drums / Bass Programing : Naoto Sawamura

Guitars : Naoto Sawamura

Naoto Sawamura used :
Guitar / PIGNOSE PGG-200
Amplifier / EVH 5150 ICONIC SERIES 6L6 40W 12×1