Down On My Knees Under The Blue Sky


This is my 22nd DTM work. As the song track, it is 12th. It is called as " Down On My Knees Under The Blue Sky “. Please take a listen to it. Thanks. Replaced with the remixed version (27-July-2023).

Down On My Knees Under The Blue Sky written by Naoto Sawamura

(2023-12-30 The remixed version for the single release has been uploaded.)

(2024-12-22 The remixed version has been uploaded.)

(In English the upper, in Japanese the lower)

This is 1st song I wrote since I completed my album “Cat Sledge Driver". After released Cat Sledge Driver album, No idea of any song have come to me for a few weeks.

Among Japanese artist, the expression like “come down from above" is commonly used to express “some idea comes to". But I have not had this feeling as such in my creating process. My feeling of “some idea come to me" is like digging out of the ground. The process of writing this song was as such.

I have started to write 3 songs in parallel. Among 3 songs, I thought this would be most likely turned down. The chord progression and the riff of chorus was not got to me at all firstly. But once I wrote the bridge, the composition of this song was built soon. So, I kicked the recording of this song.

It took a little bit time to dig the melody line for the voice out of the ground. It was like to dig one layer below the layer that the chord progression and the riffs were buried. After the melody of the voice was dug out, I got it finally. It was interesting work to write different melody line of the voice than the riff in the chorus.

The lyric is below.

Down On My Knees Under The Blue Sky

Stick their fist in the air
Folks slam one hard
Nameless folks are there
Rip off one’s cards

The happiest time come after you conquer others
West and east our defenders hard to flatter

All you’re right
Just I am wrong
If what you says is the truth
Nowhere I feel ease to live
Down on my knees under the blue sky

Eager fights
lyrical songs
If your way got feedback good
No step for my feet to give
Down on my knees under the blue sky

What do you aim for
Speak out so loud
Listen to the folklore
Long bout, awkward

You have never hurt someone, failed and stumbled
No savior see anyone whose trail is humble

Pretending smile
Cloudy talk
If you say this is the truth
Understand no one gathers
Only one stands in the blue sky

Drifting away miles
Nights so cold
If you take warmth of wood
Swinging away my high five
All I do stare at the blue sky

All you’re right
Just I am wrong
If what you says is the truth
Nowhere I feel ease to live
Down on my knees under the blue sky

Eager fights
lyrical songs
If your way got feedback good
No step for my feet to give
Down on my knees under the blue sky

The credit is below.

Down On My Knees Under The Blue Sky

Song and Words Written by Naoto Sawamura
Arranged by Naoto Sawamura

Recorded by GarageBand
Engineering / Mixing / Mastering : Naoto Sawamura
Drums / Bass Programing : Naoto Sawamura

Guitars : Naoto Sawamura
Vocals : Naoto Sawamura

Naoto Sawamura used :
Guitar / EVH Wolfgang Special
Amplifier / EVH 5150 ICONIC SERIES 6L6 40W 12×1

 アルバム「Cat Sledge Driver」が完成した後、初めて書いた曲です。「Cat Sledge Driver」リリースした後、しばらくは何か書こうと思っても何も思いつきませんでした。



