Naoto Sawamura Works Portal Page


Naoto Sawamura Works Portal Page

This is the portal page of an unsigned musician Naoto Sawamura.

Unsigned Musician 澤村尚到の作品ポータルページです。

Regarding each single track page, you can go to respective page the right side of this page (if you use the mobile device, it might be upper side). Each page has MP3 player and you can play each one in the page. But it is just the history of posts. So, I have crated 2 nested portals for usability.


Firstly I would like to introduce the portal page of my song tracks below.


Additionally, instrumental tracks that were created and recorded between July 2022 and October 2022 has been piled up to 10. So, they are gathered as like a playlist as below as a album. The album title is “Taken Myself Back".

さらに、この7月から10月に新しく書いて録ったインスト曲が10曲になりましたので、アルバムとして下記のページで、プレイリスト風にまとめてあります。アルバムタイトルは「Taken Myself Back」です。

Above 1st album is the instrumental album. The process of creation of this album was just rehabilitations for my physical and mental condition really. Actually I am a song writer basically. So, I will compose and record my song tracks from now on. Regarding new song tracks, I will add them to the song portal as linked above.


SoundCloud of Naoto Sawamura is below.


Thank you very much.

Naoto Sawamura



Posted by Naoto Sawamura