Sleipnir and Gungnir
This is my 5th DTM work. This track is called as “Sleipnir and Gungnir”. Please take a listen to it.
S ...Unwinding Condition Spiral
This track is my 4th DTM work. It is called as “Unwinding Condition Spiral”. Please take a listen to it.
Unwinding ...Highway Interchange Ramp
This track is my 3rd DTM experience. This track is written by Naoto Sawamura. Please take a listen to it.
Highway ...Swinging Space Telescope
私のtwitterのホーム画面は、だいたい、歴史・古代遺跡関係、宇宙関係、そして何故かデヴィッド・カヴァデールさんのtweetで埋まっているの ...
The Yellow Orbit
DAWソフトウェアは、Macにもれなくついてくる ...